Aircards are bringing high speed internet to places that the web couldn't go until now. If you live in a rural area or you travel a lot with your laptop, an aircard may be just the product for you. I researched several and found one that works for me. I picked a Huawei aircard through Alltel. Alltel has several, but I'll get to that later.
Aircard Information is a place where I can share the information I've gathered about these products in reviews and articles. I looked into the options from Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and I'd like to share this information because I know it can be confusing when you're shopping for this type of technology product.
I'm not exactly an aircard expert, but I know a lot about the costs and options, and I think I'm as qualified as anyone to offer reviews, especially a review of the Huawei I bought. I'll get into that in future posts. So check back soon for all the latest info concerning these amazing little devices. Also, check out this article at eHow about selecting the best aircard for your needs.